48 hours
Alot has happened in the past week:
- I contracted head lice AGAIN.
- I went to Jammu and kashmir.
- I had an extreme case of vomiting on a mountain near Jammu-- I felt like I was going to collapse and never recover. This really scared Santosh, but it turned out just to be a migraine I think.
- We made a pilgrimage to one of Hinduism's most Holiest temples, on the top of a mountain. This involved 12 straight hours of hiking with minimal rest.
- Santosh nearly got run over by a horse carry an old, fat Panjabi lady.
- Pappu got an extreme tooth infection.
- Santosh in Pappu got into a really hot argument with a rickshaw driver, which led to nasty insults and almost to fisticuffs.
- India's Independence!
- Packing. Chyawanprash total, thus far= 5 kg, Nightgowns = 0, cookware= 3, religious keychains= 4, new saris= 2, bhojpur i cassettes = 3
to be continued...
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