our house is now "American"
my dad has been staying with us for 3 weeks(?) now. slowly, our household is becoming normalized. here are a few, new American additions:
- coffee EVERY morning instead of sometimes tea
- football on the TV
- lots more chicken
- lots more bread
- gin
- American movies
- video games
- in-house handyman
- international trade law with tiny, chinese professor. i think this class will nicely compliment the economics of trade class i took last year. but the book is big and scary and i sometimes glaze over when i start reading the legalese. and i am comforted to now know that i am much more competent than most law students, even the ones dressed in ann taylor with pearl earrings.
- ethics with hippy/peace corps vet philosophy professor. we are reading a lot of international/ human rights topics, which will piss off many in my class but at least we are not reading about social security or medicare
- program evaluation-- i am betting this class will be laid back and easy. except by tomorrow i am supposed to have read a book which i do not have yet. already behind!
- independent study-- did i bite off too much to chew?
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