Monday, April 10, 2006


Guddu, Dad and I saw Syriana at the Byrd Sunday afternoon. I really enjoyed it, especially since there was so much Hindi/Urdu. (I get excited when I see Hindi/Urdu in the media-- a la Homer getting outsourced to India.)

I was amazed guddu understood the movie. "12 monkeys," "7," and any movies containing elements of science fiction, divorce or animated characters are usually beyond his comprehension (unless it stars Bernie Mac, Ice Cube, Chris Rock, Chapelle... you get the picture). yet give him a layered story of the interesection of espionage/business/politics/oil/legal mumbo jumbo occuring simultaneously on multiple continents in multiple languages and he perfectly understands.

did you know matt damon is in syriana? i didn't. and you rarely see george clooney. the big fancy parties at arab estates remind me too much of the past summer in delhi-- i could have been surrounded by agents all the time. that kind of creeps me out.

i found an entertaining blog in the midst of all of this... Sepia Mutiny (there's a play on the word "sepoy" for all you non-AMELC-ers).


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