Monday, April 17, 2006

bites per hour

coming home i heard an excerpt from elizabeth gilbert's "eat, pray, love" book on NPR (click link in title to hear it). in short, this lady decided to practice vipassana yoga at dusk in india... and got attacked by mosquitoes.

here's what i thought was amusing-- she only had 20 bites in one hour!!! lady has apparently NOT spent time in Guddu's house in Bihar (next to a bamboo forest cum marsh cum monkey haven cum mosquito breeding ground) or in ghaziabad (next to drainage ditch cum buffalo bath house cum trash bin cum mass toilet cum mosquito breeding ground). 20 bites in an hour?! that's nothing!

this is the last week of law class. and also ethics class (i am foregoing ethics class next week for a sojourn at the comfort inn in NOVA). woohoo. end is in sight!


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