Tuesday, August 30, 2005

camels are like teams

i think i need to live in a city. a real city. or at least somewhere a little noisier than the near west end of richmond. even during the summer, all i can hear are the bugs outside. there is more action in the village than here. pathetic. an alternative to moving to a real urban area, we could crowd the house with relatives. besides making a little satisfactory noise and action, they could also contribute to the household tasks-- cooking, cleaning, massage, joke-making, scolding, clothes-mending, etc.

school made me sick yesterday. i think it was spending too much time sitting still and driving and not enough salt. luckily, when i got home, guddu put thanda tel (translation: cold oil) in my hair. the oil is red and smells kind of menthol and makes your head feel so cool all over and instantly relaxes your muscles. wonderful stuff.

so yesterday we had a long lecture on how camels are like teams. can you guess? yes, they both spit. and they can both go a long distance without maintenance (aka food and water). camels also have big feet and long eyelashes and are painful after 10 minutes of riding. you see the connection, right?


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