clutter accumulation
thank god amvets are coming next week. amvets is wonderful. they send you a hot pink or hot yellow bag and you go through your house and fill the bag with all the things you don't need but can't throw away: old books, magazines, clothes, trinkets. it is amazing how much we americans accumulate.
amvets is coming next friday and i already have a bag of clothes ready to go. and i am not a huge shopper, so you can imagine how many unworn clothes other people have! guddu himself takes up 2 closets for shirt-- one for regular button shirts and the other for his saturn uniform shirts. honestly, a lot of our possessions are inherited (aka hand-me-downs) and not bought ourselves. we're lucky to have such generous family who always think to pass their old furniture, etc onto us (no sarcasm intended).
we will be moving over winter break to a nearby apt. it is a pre-move in anticipation for our real move to wherever i get a job whenever that may happen. what will we bring? a lot of clothes, hindi movies and books on economics, south asia and public policy.
amvets is coming next friday and i already have a bag of clothes ready to go. and i am not a huge shopper, so you can imagine how many unworn clothes other people have! guddu himself takes up 2 closets for shirt-- one for regular button shirts and the other for his saturn uniform shirts. honestly, a lot of our possessions are inherited (aka hand-me-downs) and not bought ourselves. we're lucky to have such generous family who always think to pass their old furniture, etc onto us (no sarcasm intended).
we will be moving over winter break to a nearby apt. it is a pre-move in anticipation for our real move to wherever i get a job whenever that may happen. what will we bring? a lot of clothes, hindi movies and books on economics, south asia and public policy.
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