Saturday, May 06, 2006

I'm glad I'm not in Delhi this May

The BBC has reported on the power crisis in Delhi. This is not a new crisis, but an ongoing problem. Every May (or summer at least) that I have spent in Delhi (2001, 2002, 2004, 2005) was marked by unbearably hot afternoons that got painfully hotter when you-- trying to nap becuase it is too hot to do anything else-- slowly watch the ceiling fan stop. it is too hot and dusty to open a window, and the water out of the tap is either too hot or too scarce to use as a cooling agent. at night the mosquitoes are so bad that you are forced to stay in bed inside the mosquito net, sweating and waiting for the fan to start up again.

but perhaps the Commonwealth Games in 2010 will force Delhi to fix this problem now. And a portion of this problem is due to stolen electricity-- a third of output is stolen! but with more money, would Delhi necessarily be able to produce more power? Perhaps they would then have more money to buy power from elsewhere.


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