Wednesday, May 24, 2006

BB strikes again

i was in a bad mood yesterday-- and it was all started by my neighbor. and the effects of too much desperate housewives.

see, guddu sells used cars on the side. more specifically, these used cars are kept on the side of our house in an alley that leads to nowhere. our neighbor does not like this. i can tell demographically that she does not like this-- she is old, rich, and very prim. guddu calls her "budhiya bahinchod," or BB for short.

here's what happened yesterday. i had just entered the house after returning from the grocery store with organic dairy and fruits, feeling quite rightoeous. then the doorbell rang:
Moi: Hi...
BB: Hi Kate. I just wanted to let you know that the police were here yesterday and they were about to give a ticket to the car parked on the side of your house.
Moi: Oh really? (Thinking-- who must have tipped them off???)
BB: See, it doesn't have a license plate and is parked partially on City property and partially on mine. But I told them "That is my neighbor's car and they are out of town. Let me talk to them first before you give them a ticket."
Moi: (feigning graciousness) Oh thank you, but that is odd that the police were around--
BB: Yes you see many people have had their gardening tools stolen. Mine were stolen right out of the shed and I had been looking forward to using them.
Moi: (that's funny-- i only see hired help working in your yard. i hope you are not accusing me of stealing your tools as well. obviously, from the looks of our yard, we have not stolen gardening tools.) That's a shame, we keep a lock on our shed.
BB: You have the most beautiful eyes! They must be your mother's eyes-- she is so lovely.
Moi: (growing very suspicious-- is she trying to disarm me with flattery?!?) Thank you, that's what I have been told. And thank you for your help with the car-- we'll take care of it.

Oh this made me so angry-- especially how she tried to remove my suspicion of her with the "beautiful eyes" compliment! Desperate Housewives has taught me to spot these sure signs of manipulation. She either called the police herself or made the entire story up to scare us into moving the car.

Guddu called the polic today to see what the legal situation was. He found out that the city could tow or ticket us. So we'll move it, and he ironically might sell it to the police dispatcher who handled his inquiry.


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